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Digital License: Your one-stop shop for cheap and authentic software licenses. Buy Windows, Office, Server, Antivirus, and much more.

Kaspersky Premium (Total Security)

Kaspersky Premium (Total Security)

37.36 $74.83 $

• 1 Year subscription

• Online Activation

• E-Mail delivery. No CD or USB will be dispatched

• Can only be used on Kaspersky Premium (Total Security)

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Get the unmatched feeling of security with Kaspersky Total Security, award-winning protection against hackers, viruses and malware. Plus payment protection and privacy tools that guard you from every angle. Included premium features:

  • Free VPN with up to 300 MB of traffic per day
  • Free Kaspersky Password Manager Premium
  • Free Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium

Compatible with: Windows, MacOS, Android

When purchasing your license, simply select how many Windows PCs you want to protect. During your license period, you can protect any number of Windows up to the total number that your license covers. For example, you could select a 3-PC license to protect up to three different desktops or laptops used in your family.

Kaspersky Total Security (often abbreviated to KTS) is an internet security suite developed by Kaspersky Lab compatible with Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Kaspersky Total Security offers protection from malware, as well as email spam, phishing and hacking attempts, and data leaks. Kaspersky Lab Diagnostics results are distributed to relevant developers through the MIT License.

Kaspersky Total Security features include real-time protection, detection and removal of viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, adware, keyloggers, malicious tools and auto-dialers, as well as detection and removal of rootkits.

Microsoft Windows users may download an antivirus rescue disk that scans the host computer during booting inside an isolated Linux environment. In addition, it prevents itself from being disabled by malware without user permission via password access prompts upon disabling protection elements and changing internal settings. It also scans incoming instant messenger traffic, email traffic, automatically disables links to known malware hosting sites while using Internet Explorer or Firefox, and includes free technical support and free product upgrades within paid-subscription periods

Kaspersky Total Security Has some certain features which are not found in Kaspersky Anti-Virus . These  features include a personal firewall, HIPS, Secure Keyboard, AntiSpam, AntiBanner and parental control tools.

Also, Kaspersky, like the majority of its competitors, is incompatible with many other anti-virus and anti-spyware software


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    Kaspersky PremiumKaspersky Premium (Total Security)
    37.36 $74.83 $Select options
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    Is Windows 11 Pro Worth it?

    Typically, the Pro version of Windows targets businesses and power users, including advanced features such as advanced networking, virtualization, security features, and more. Therefore, the worth of Windows 11 Pro would largely depend on the user’s specific needs. If you regularly utilize these advanced features, the Pro version might indeed be a valuable upgrade.

    Advantages of a Change

    1. Enhanced Features: Pro versions often bring enhanced functionality for businesses and professional users, offering superior control over the operating system. This might include features like BitLocker device encryption, Remote Desktop, and Hyper-V for virtualization.
    2. Greater Security: In line with its focus on business users, Pro versions of Windows usually boast more robust security features. This can provide an essential line of defense in an era when digital threats are increasingly sophisticated.
    3. Better Support: Microsoft often prioritizes Pro users when it comes to support. This can translate into more frequent updates and faster access to new features and security patches.

    Disadvantages of a Change

    1. Compatibility Issues: With new operating systems come potential compatibility issues. Some existing software or hardware may not work optimally with the new system, requiring upgrades or replacements.
    2. Learning Curve: As with any upgrade, there may be a learning curve as users adjust to the new interface and features.

    Can Your PC Handle Windows 11?

    When it comes to system requirements, Microsoft has set specific minimum hardware prerequisites for Windows 11:

    • A compatible 64-bit processor 
    • 4 GB RAM for the 64-bit version (or more)
    • 64 GB storage (or more)
    • System firmware: UEFI with Secure Boot capability
    • TPM version 2.0
    • Graphics card compatible with DirectX 12 or later with a WDDM 2.0 driver
    • Display: High definition (720p) display that is greater than 9” diagonally, 8 bits per color channel
    • Internet connection: Internet connectivity is necessary to perform updates and to download and take advantage of some features.

    These are baseline requirements, and for a smooth user experience, it’s recommended that you have more robust hardware.

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